Face Swap

There are times when we really love a how a photograph turns out, but we don’t like how something or someone is in the photo. That’s where Photoshop comes in.  With the correct technique and skill, one image can be seamlessly blended into another. Most of the time clients want faces to be swapped, and here is an example of that.

face swap post

A Haven in the Heavens

This is an abstract edit I did for someone. She wanted something special, and I was more than happy to do this. These kind of edits generally take an hour or two, and looking at the final output, I must say the time and effort was worth it.

Winter is Here – A double Exposure Composite

A clean double exposure portrait I very recently created, the image immediately sparks a feeling of peace in my heart, with a little feeling of frailty residing somewhere in this picture.double-exposure

Color Me Good

This picture is an example of what we like to call Photo Restoration in Photopshop. All the areas with wear and tear are fixed using various editing tools. Then to finish things up, what seemed impossible a couple of years ago is done here-Convert a b/w photo into a colored one, and that too with considerable ease.

These kinds of pictures also go on to show what Photoshop is really capable of and how powerful it is as a photo editor.
